"#presence" Tagged Sermons
March 16, 2025 Service (“A Light in the Darkness” – John 8:12)
Thank you for joining us online as we worship, pray, and study the Word of God together. We’re continuing our series on the Gospel of John. Today, Pastor Daniel is sharing a message entitled “A Light in the Darkness” focusing on John 8:12. We pray that you’ll be encouraged by the time together online and this series in which one can both wade and swim. God bless. John 8 NET CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
September 15, 2024 Service (“What’s Your Verdict?” – John 1:6-18)
Thank you for joining us online as we worship, pray, and study the Word of God together. We’re continuing our new series on the Gospel of John. Today, Pastor Daniel is sharing a message focused on the opening verses of John 1 entitled “What’s Your Verdict?.” We pray that you’ll be encouraged by the time together online and this new series in which one can both wade and swim. God bless. John 1 NET CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
June 26, 2022 Service (“A Thousand Doors: Entrance into the Next Life” – Ecclesiastes 7:2)
Thank you for joining us online as we worship, pray, and study the Word of God together. Today, Pastor Paul will be continuing our GPS series (God-Positioned Stances) with a message called “A Thousand Doors: Entrance into the Next Life” – Ecclesiastes 7:2. We pray that you’ll be encouraged by the time together online. God bless. Ecclesiastes 7 (NET) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
June 5, 2022 Service & Communion (“Responding to Tragedy”)
Thank you for joining us online as we worship, pray, and study the Word of God together. Today, Pastor Daniel will begin a new series called “G.P.S.–God-Positioned Stances” in which we’ll explore “hot topics” from a biblical perspective. The first message, “Responding to Tragedy” will focus on the recent mass shootings in our nation. We pray that you’ll be encouraged by the time together online. We will be observing communion as well, so pause for a moment, grab a piece…