Sermons by Dr. Paul Thyren (Page 9)

Sermons by Dr. Paul Thyren (Page 9)

“What Happens When We Die”

There seems to be a lot of confusion today about what actually happens when we die.  Every where you turn someone seems to have a different answer.  Turning to the truth of God’s Word though, we find the answer to the questions so many have.  Take a few moments to listen to this sermon on the next important piece of Scripture to put in your toolbox.

“The Belt of Truth Should Do More than Hold Your Pants Up”

In Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul writes about the Armor of God.  Among the items that he lists is the Belt of Truth.  Truth today though has become a sore subject but many don’t like the thought of absolute truth.  People today would rather truth be determined individually which in the end gives each a license to sin ultimately.  Take a few moments and listen to this sermon on truth and its importance in our current day and age.

“The World Changed But God Didn’t”

Today we remembered the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.  We remembered those that lost their lives on that horrific day.  We also recognized and thanked our local emergency service personnel for their service to us.  As we remembered that day, we reflected on what has and what hasn’t changed in 15 years.  We pray that you’ll be comforted and encouraged by the truth of God’s Word and His unchanging nature.

“The World that Shrunk God” – Part 2

As time has progressed, our nation and the world included have become less and less dependent upon God.  Our world has increasingly left the pursuit of God to follow after the trivial and short served pleasures of this world.  Paul’s letter to Timothy acknowledges this.  Take some time to listen to this sermon.  Just how much has the world shrunk God?  What is our response as believers?