Children’s Ministry

Children’s Ministry


We offer a caring and fun nursery for ages 0-3 where our wee ones sing, hear Bible stories, color and play.

FBI – Future Bible Investigators

We love to have children and youth participate in of our morning service. We also offer though a program during the last half of morning service time for our 4-8 year-olds that is a time more catered to them. FBI includes age appropriate Bible lessons and activities that reinforce that teaching like puppet skits and crafts.  This time may also included singing, an emphasis on world missions, prayer, and of course snacks.

*Weekly we have activity and/or sermon sheets available along with crayons or colored pencils for the kids to use during the morning service to keep them involved with what is taking place if you wish to keep your children with you to be a part of the morning service. We additionally have some busy boxes with quite toys within.*
