This year is our 4th annual event. Our slogan as always is we provide the food and you provide the entertainment. Join us for a evening of a great dinner cooked and served by our youth featuring spaghetti and meatballs, salad, garlic bread, and a variety of homemade desserts. After the meal, stick around and enjoy the talents and both funny and serious sides of our church people as they perform various acts for the evening. Sign up sheets for the meal and talent show are in the church foyer. All talent show acts are limited to 5 minutes (which includes set up, the act, and take down). We will be taking a love offering. This is our yearly fundraiser for all summer youth trips and will be supporting our trip this year to the IFCA National Youth Convention in Cedarville, OH. We would love to have you with us.
300 Neugent Street Adell, Wi 53001
Grace Bible Church
February 28, 2015
6:00 PM Dinner starts at 6PM & the show at 7 PM.