Posts by Daniel Wiersema (Page 3)
Being a Man – Masculinity & Femininity Vlog 3
Over the last two weeks, we’ve mentioned the contrast in our world between the “good man” and the “real man.” This past week we asked why there has to be a dichotomy of what true manhood is. Join us today as we further look at redeemed masculinity and specifically the elements of leadership and character. If you’ve missed the past sermons or vlogs on this subject, please take the time to view them at the links below. “What Does God…
An Opportunity for Worship
Men and women are obviously different. Genesis 2 tells us that we were created to compliment one another. What one lacks the other supplies and vice versa. Do we truly see those differences though as an opportunity to worship God? Join us through this week and next as we continue to solidify and further build on this issue of biblical masculinity & femininity. CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
What Does God Think? (Masculinity & Femininity Vlog 1)
There is much talk today about what it means to be a man or woman. Just ask someone what they think the phrases “Good Man” vs. “Real Man” mean to them and you’ll begin to see. Today’s vlog is a continuation of the discussion from Sunday on this subject of what biblical masculinity and femininity look like. We laid a foundation on these elements from Genesis 3 then. Join us through this week and next as we continue to solidify…
Looking Forward to THE DAY
Each week I get a number of emails in my inbox that often have encouraging words, kind of like a short devotional. Today I was particularly encouraged by an email sent to me that reminded me of the words of Paul in Romans 8. It is an encouragement of perspective as we think about what awaits us yet. Oh what a day that will be! CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
Perspective Amidst Challenging Issues
As I was thinking about the vlog for today, my thoughts turned to the challenging issues that Pastor Paul covered last week and will be covering this coming Sunday (AI/Transhumanism and Cancel Culture). We as Christians can often be quick to fight immediately on these things in the political realm, to speak our voice “loudly” on social media. But as I thought on them further, I was overwhelmingly convicted with the need for us to step back for a moment…
A Place of Relief or Terror
Ever read a passage of Scripture and then a friend’s perspective or something you read enlightens you to give you a different perspective? I had that today with an email I received that gave me an additional biblical look on a favorite passage. It opened my eyes today and I pray it will yours as well as we look at Psalm 18. Is he a place of relief? Or is God a place of terror? Thanks for joining us online…
A Spiritual Eyesight Prescription
Romans 11:36 has been described as one of the greatest lines of written language in all of Scripture. We’re look back at that one verse today and the spiritual prescription we find there for one of our greatest “sight” issues in life. This verse gives us true focus and is a guide for living. Thanks for joining us today. “To Him Be Glory Forever” (Rom 11:28-36) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
Sharing the Gospel with Jewish People
As we talked about the fact that God has not forsaken his people from Romans 11, it is important for us to get a glimpse of how Jewish people may view the New Testament and Jesus. This interview we are sharing today give us some unique insights and glimpse that will further educate us in our evangelistic efforts to Jewish people. “God Has Not Forsaken Israel” (Romans 11:1-27) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
From a Jewish Perspective
As we talked about the fact that God has not forsaken his people from Romans 11, it is important for us to get a glimpse of how Jewish people may view the New Testament and Jesus. This testimony we are sharing today not only encourages us that God is still at work but give us some unique insights and glimpse that will further educate us in our evangelistic efforts to Jewish people. “God Has Not Forsaken Israel” (Romans 11:1-27) CCLI…
Be Sent
A simple title but it references what we discussed as one of our closing points on Sunday–the important of take the good news of Jesus Christ to those in need. Paul tells us in Romans 10 that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word preached. If we hope for people to respond to the gospel message, we must proclaim it. At minimum, we can invite people to attend a church service with us. With nearly everything online today,…
Mix Reactions Toward God’s Sovereignty
The sovereignty of God can invoke a number of reactions from people. It may incite praise. It may create bewilderment and questions. It may incite critical comments and even anger. Since Romans 9’s focus was centralized on God’s sovereignty, let’s take a bit more time to explore that today and our mixed reactions as human beings toward this important attribute of God. “God Is the Potter. We Are the Clay.” (Romans 9:14-33)
Actions Amidst Suffering
As we were in Romans 8 this past Sunday, we began to build a foundation of understanding suffering. Paul noted that glory is greater, we and creation both groan for redemption to be fully realized, and that as we wait, the Spirit of God intercedes for us. Today, let’s look at actions to take amidst suffering as we continue to build this foundation. Thanks for watching. “Our Present Suffering” (Romans 8:17b-27) CCLI Streaming License # 20229783
Encouragements Amidst Suffering
As we were in Romans 8 this past Sunday, we began to build a foundation of understanding suffering. Paul noted that glory is greater, we and creation both groan for redemption to be fully realized, and that as we wait, the Spirit of God intercedes for us. Today, I’d like to offer two additional encouragements by way of a video to help us continue to process suffering & build this foundation. Thanks for watching. “Our Present Suffering” (Romans 8:17b-27) CCLI…
The Revolving Door of Sin
Romans 6 provides us with an important theological basis about the reality that sin has been conquered and we have been freed from its power because of Christ. Join us today as we review some of those key truths as well as the significance of baptism and historical scriptures toward this struggle we face. “Freed to Be Enslaved” (Romans 6)
Following Jesus While We Wait for His Return
On Sunday, we discussed the importance of following Jesus as we wait for his return. Some time ago, I was greatly encouraged by this interview with a man named Ruslan. Take a few moments to watch and be encouraged and challenged in your own walk with the Lord and the call to follow him. “He Is Coming Again” (Gospel of John & Revelation)
For Your Benefit & the Future
On Sunday, Paul preached from Romans 3-4 about the fact that salvation has always been by grace through faith. As we think about people being saved though, behind that is someone who took the time to share or teach the truth. Thinking on the theme of Romans, The Gospel Proclaimed and Practiced, today I want to challenge us to seriously consider the calling we have been given by Christ. Not only has the faithful obedience of this by others benefitted…
Responding to Tragedy
In light of the present tragedy near Nashville, I’d like to take some time to revisit a sermon I preached during the summer of 2022 about responding to tragedy. Within it are some key elements to remember and consider as we have our own responses toward this and as we talk with others. What does God think of this? Where is God? What is he doing? What is most important to remember? We’ll look at those questions and more. Thanks…
God’s Holiness & Our Need for Christ
I was greatly impacted some time ago by a book I was reading that brought me into a deeper understanding of the holiness of God and our great need for Christ as our Savior. As I read those words, it left me with praise for what God has done in my life as I think on my own sinfulness in comparison to his holiness and the immense kindness shown me on the cross. Take a moment to watch as I…
Loving the Unlovable
As I was thinking further on Romans 2-3, it made me think of how this looks in combination with a very well-known passage. And as we think on that passage as well today, it encourages us to deeper affection for our neighbors whether or not we think that they deserve it. Thanks for watching. “A Universal Cancer” (Romans 2:1-3:23)
God’s Restraints on Evil: Government & Church
As we finished up Romans 1, one of the questions we are left asking is whether or not God restrains evil at all in this world. If the world is as bad as Paul says it is, how do we account for the “good” we do see in the world? Today, we’ll discuss 2 of 4 different restraints God has placed in the world and the responsibility these elements call us to. Thanks for watching! “Mayday, Mayday! We’re Going Down!”…