Radical Disciple or Rationalizing Follower? (Jas 5)

Radical Disciple or Rationalizing Follower? (Jas 5)

James 5 confronts the financial oppression that was occurring in the writer’s day. Underlying the content of the passage though is this call to radical discipleship–to not adopt the norms of our culture, but rather follow after Jesus wholeheartedly. However, we may be guilty more times than not of being a rationalizing follower instead of a radical disciple. We find ways to explain away what Jesus calls us to and instead continue on in what we are content and comfortable with. Join us today as we expound further on the idea of discipleship from James 5.

“It’s a Trap!” – Jas 5:1-6 (May 8, 2022 Sermon)

“Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream” by David Platt

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