I normally publish a video during on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with a passage or question to focus on to encourage and equip the church. Wednesdays, I focus usually an answering a question. As I was thinking on what I might cover today, I kept coming back to our subject on Sunday (#ConvenientChristianity) as we focus on this study Rooted (Grounded in the Word. Prepared for the Future.).

As I was preparing last week for Sunday, I came across an article that I felt compelled to share. It has been on my mind this week. So rather than focus on a question today as we normally do with #askPD segments, I encourage you to take a few moments to read the sentences and paragraphs below.

The American culture boasts in its convenience.  Everything is better when done more simply and less time consuming.  We’ve become the impatient nation.  We like our fast food.  We use the self-checkout lanes in grocery stores.  Pay extra for overnight shipping.  We want fast answers to complex issues such as the economy, relationships, social justice issues, etc.  We even prefer to speak in half sentences and use emoticons to share how we are feeling! We’re busy people (another topic for some other day), so convenience is not all that bad.  It has it’s pros, but are there any boundaries?  How would you feel if we can create a church experience that is super convenient to your schedule, pleases your short attention span, requires very little participation, and will make sure God doesn’t do something crazy like, you know, show up?  Sounds like a radical way to follow Jesus, right? 

Let’s just get to it.  Convenience needs its boundaries and we’ve probably allowed things to bleed into the Church for to long.  Our desire to “win” people by making Jesus convenient has backfired.  We’ve created “converts” with no fire in their hearts and who avoid the risk of faith at all costs. There is nothing in the New Testament that is safe.  Jesus is anything but safe.  Jesus isn’t looking for cheerleaders, He is seeking men and women who will follow Him into the game.  Convenience is all about you, but following Jesus is ALL about Him! 

Convenient based Christians are focused on their own interests, worries, fears, priorities, and lifestyles.  Disciples are focused on Jesus.  Period.

Convenient Christians are comfortable.  Disciples make sacrifices. 

Convenient Christians prefer just to hear the word of God.  Disciples are about living it.

Convenient Christians are occasionally involved in the mission of Jesus.  Disciples are committed to it. 

Convenient Christians will rationalize sin.  Disciples will repent. 

There is so much more to following Jesus then just merely putting Him on your weekly calendar.  How about we take the restraints of comfort and convenience off of us and begin trusting that He actually can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think!  When we start to do that, buckle up, your about to encounter an adventure that is well worth everything that you are and have!” (Find the article here)

How that article resonates with me, an Amazon Prime member! Day by day, I have to come before the Lord and surrender my dreams, my worries, my fears, my priorities upon the altar. I think sometimes we are fearful to do so because we question whether or not God truly cares for us. Worried that he will send us somewhere we don’t want to go, doing something we don’t want to do. We will never be happier though than when we are doing the will of God whether what has been revealed in his Word or what he has called us to in our specific giftedness to minister to the church and the world around us with his love.

I find that even with the difficulties that I experience in life that I find joy in Christ. Sure the dark clouds loom for a while but I understand God to an even greater degree in the midst of hardship. I don’t know what the rest of 2020 and 2021 hold for the church but I pray continually for the church and for believers. May the church of God awake from its convenience-tendencies to minister graciously to one another (which also requires us to be honest with one another about our need), boldly proclaim the gospel of Christ to the nations and our neighbors, and stand unashamed for the truth of God not matter how inconvenient that may be.